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Nature’s Pharmacy: Ayurvedic Healing with Flowers

July 11, 2024

Pushpa Ayurveda as a concept is something that is based off the principles that exist on the balance and harmony of the mind, spirit, and body.

This type of Ayurveda uses herbal medicines, aromatic oils, and flower essences to address mental, physical, or emotional conditions.

Lavender Oil

Flowers used in Ayurvedic practices are classified on 3 different things, such as Virya, which is potency; Rasa, which is taste; Guna, which is therapeutic action; and Vipaka, which is a post-digestive effect.

People categorize these flowers into three doshas: Kapha, Vata, and Pitta.

Flowers used by ayurvedic physicians are the hibiscus, rose, lotus, and jasmine flowers.

Taste, therapeutic effects, and other properties:

Rasa, which is Taste: In this type of practice, the taste refers to the discerned flavour of a particular matter and the effect this substance has on an individual’s body. These various florals have different tastes, including salty, astringent, pungent, sour, bitter, and sweet. Therapeutic acts and specific qualities of Ayurvedic practices attribute these different tastes.

Virya, which is potency: Virya correlates to the ability of cooling or healing a particular matter in an individual’s body.

Vipaka, which is a post-digestive effect: This effect correlates to the taste that surfaces after the process of digestion has taken place. This can be either pungent or sweet.

Guna, which is therapeutic effects: This property talks about how the different qualities of a specific matter can affect the body and the mind of an individual.


Methods used by Flora Physicians in this line of treatments:

In Ayurvedic practices, people highly value florals for their medicinal and therapeutic uses.Some of these methods are:

Remedies of the herbal type: Physicians mix different flowers with the different herbs, roots, and botanicals available to create different mixtures such as oils, powders, and tinctures, for example.

In aromatherapy, people use the aroma of flowers to enhance the process. Physicians incorporate flower essences, essential oils, and hydrosols into massage oils and diffusers, for example.

Flower teas and infusions: Florals such as hibiscus, chamomile, and roses are used regularly by experts in Ayurveda to make teas and herbal mixes. It is generally very beneficial for people to help improve their digestion, to relieve them of stress, and in general, better health for those people when they drink regularly.

External Uses: These florals can help with different skin ailments, such as skin inflammation, for example. For instance, rose and jasmine are helpful for skin irration and inflammation. These physicians suggest you use ointments with floral essences, for example.

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