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Floral Rangoli Craft: The Beauty of Traditional Art

July 31, 2024

Flower Rangoli, an established Indian art form, is also known as Pookalam in Kerala. Fresh blossoms are used to create detailed designs. This tradition adds a burst of color and a certain charm to special occasions, and these fragrant embellishments are the centerpiece of holidays like Diwali or Onam, for instance. For all your up-and-coming festivities, read on to learn the craft behind attractive flower rangoli pieces.

The Materials You Need:

  • Fresh blossoms, such as marigolds, chrysanthemums, roses, and jasmine, are currently in vogue.
  • For drawing the foundation for the design, rangoli powders are an option for drawing the design’s foundation.
  • Scissors.
  • A flat area.

The process for creating these Flower Rangoli designs is as follows:

Decide on a Design: Choose a design to draw out. You can come up with your own ideas or take inspiration from already-done and classic designs. Beginning designers can start with simple designs and progress to more difficult ones as they gain confidence.

Prepare the surface on which you plan to draw your design. Ensure that your chosen surface is clean and flat, with no bumps or anything else to make your design uneven. You can draw your design outside your house or, if you prefer, on tables and floors within your home.

Sketch the Outline of Your Design on Your Surface: If you are planning to utilise rangoli powders, draw the outline of your design on your surface of choice. This is a guide to help you decide where to place your florals. Alternatively, you can also use chalk to lightly trace the pattern.

Choose your flowers: Make sure to choose striking and fresh blossoms. Pluck the petals gently; for complex designs, you can use singular petals or the entire flower.

Arrange the Flowers: To complete your design, begin adding flowers. Depending on your design, either fill towards the center, starting with the outline, or start from the center and work your way outward. To produce a thick, bright effect, arrange the petals closely together. You can make your design pop by adding intricate embellishments and accents. Use small petals or contrasting color shades to achieve this. Here, you can experiment with different shades of color and patterns to find what you like.

Finishing Touches: After creating your design, take a step back and check for any gaps or uneven areas; if you find any of these, make the necessary adjustments.

Additional Guidelines for Crafting a Beautiful Design:

Color Contrast Your Design: To make your design pop, get flowers in contrasting shades. Striking shades like yellow, red, or even orange capture one’s eye with ease.

Symmetry: Perfect designs are always symmetrical. Ensure that your design is well balanced from all angles.

Freshness of your Florals: If you want your rangoli to remain lovely and colorful the entire day, go and purchase the freshest florals you see.

You can embellish various occasions with Rangoli flowers:

Floral Rangoli is ideal for special occasions such as weddings. Your rangoli can be used to embellish holidays such as Holi, Onam, and Diwali, for example. It not only improves the aesthetic appeal of your house, but also makes it more festive.

Decorating your house or venue for special occasions allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature and display creativity with your design. These steps will assist you in creating beautiful floral rangolis that will pleasantly surprise your guests.

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